Why such a focus?

We’ve asked ourselves the same question. Why do we focus so intently on the Whatcom Housing Alliance and Sightlines organizations? Yes, there are incredible studies that have proven that Affordability only comes from solutions such as Inclusionary Zoning. Yes, there are incredible organizations making head way on Affordability that we will partner with.

These two lobby groups, though, have so indoctrinated themselves into the fabric of our local government that it is like a cancer. We must focus on them as they cause the damage that we as a community must heal from. We are not vindictive. They are simply the problem. Beat the cancer and the common sense Affordability solutions will flow from the City, because they just make sense. At risk residents deserve no less.

While they are still able to manipulate leadership, we will get no where. So… we must break down their arguments, prove their intent as different from what they state, and get the attention of the community, the City and the County.